Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NOT The Recipe for Cornbread & Warm Spiced Pears

As I was getting the hay together into the wheel barrow and pushing it out toward the pasture to feed the horses last evening, I looked up and was so inspired by the light and shadows in the edge of the woods, I had to stop!
"You guys and dolls are going to have to wait for a few minutes for your dinner.  I must go get my camera & try to save some of this glory."
It took a good half an hour for it to unfold and even as I went down to the house, in the gloaming, the sky was gold and pink, low on the horizon.
This morning I came up to the studio early to create this...ah yes, there are many ways to create and to share what we see " Thru Our Eyes".
                                              Please Enjoy!

The Cornbread and Warm Spiced Pears will have to wait for another day.  The mornings are so much cooler now and promising to be even colder in a few days...I will share their deliciousness in a few days!

Thanks for visiting, please come back again!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


 All these images are from our humble home in Cypress Inn Tennessee

I drove into Florence Alabama yesterday to do my monthly heavy shopping.  When I left home the frost kissed leaves were dancing down out of the trees relieved not to hold on to the branches anymore.  Now the ground is inches deep in leaves and they rustle whenever anyone (including the 4 leggeds step thru them.

These are just a few images of the Creators wonderful given to all of us if we take the time to look around.  This is my gift to all that can't take the time to go out and see for yourselves, whatever your please enjoy!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Enforcing The Boundaries of My Sacred Space

There has been a black cow intruding into the horse pasture off & on for a couple of days.  We could see it from the house, but when I walked the hill to the pasture it had disappeared.  Perhaps it wasn't in our pasture, but next door where it belongs.  Perhaps it was an apparition teaching me a lesson?

Let me go back to a week or so ago with another strange story before I go on.
As far as I've known there are only cows in the pasture of our next door neighbors.  I had taken a walk in the woods and noticed that our horses were checking out something next door.  I walked up the hill and to my delight there were two darling mini-horses, one black&the other white.  They were standing in the corner of the pasture and were very friendly when I approached to say Hi.  They reminded me that I had a bit of fence down (barbed wire from the previous owner of our home) and that my horses might get tangled if I didn't get rid of it.  Needless to say, I took care of it right away.  I Always listen to the animals!  I saw these precious creatures one more time that day and then they disappeared...never to be seen again.
Now the cow...
Yesterday afternoon, it was definitely in the pasture.  As I ran up the hill (I'm getting toooo old to be running up the hill) I saw it walk between our strands of hot wire (It's always off during the day) and mosy off at the neighbors.  I did a little looking around and discovered that it was tearing down our fence to use our pasture to escape for "greener pastures".

This morning I carried some supplies out to repair the fence.  It was a beautiful, sunny, calm, cool day in my favorite place...The Woods.
Some of the marauders!!!!!
                                                                               Fence repair makes a woman warm & thirsty!!!

                     Suspicious Hair caught in the Barbed Wire Fence!
I HATE barbed wire, but it is the only thing to keep the cows in or out, whichever side of the fence your are on!
Perhaps one of their own in this condition would keep them out!!!!
Hopefully there will be no more of this shit or the cows that left it on our side of the fence!!!
I hope you enjoyed the adventures today.  Just another day out in the country to share with those of you that have a different kind of life!
Joy & Love!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I find a special quality each season with the changes in the light from our awesome beautiful sun.

I share some of these today!
I hope that you have enjoyed a little bit of my world today.
Autumn is by far my most inspiring time.
There will be more to share another day.
Sending out Joy & Love!